STEP TWO: The Task

You will be working in small groups of three. Each team member will take a certain role. You will research the issue of stem cell research from the point of view of the role you are playing. You will examine internet sites listed under your role plus any other resources you can obtain. You will keep a record of the websites by producing a Sources Page. This information will be handed in and is part of your individual grade. After you research, as a group, you will need to reach a consensus regarding the following issues:

• use of stem cells for research

• types of stem cells that should be used

• use of stem cells for treatment of disease

Internet links have been provided for each role. Please feel free to search for related sites or use the Library/Media Center for current resources such as newspapers or periodicals.

                                                                                                 Neural cells grown from a single neural crest stem cell taken from a 15-day-old rat.
Photo credit: Genevieve Kruger, U-M Medical School

Amber Sawyer and Simon Cool of the Institute of Molecular Cell Biology in Singapore carry out stem cell research.
Munshi Ahmed for The New York Times
Role of the Researcher

You have been working for the NIH (National Institute of Health) in Bethesda, Maryland on stem cell replacement. As part of a team you are involved in many aspects of stem cell research. You are very excited about the possibilities it may offer to improve the quality of life for many Americans. Since this research is rather new there are many unanswered questions and possibilities. You need funding to continue your research and need to explain to your group why this is so important. Some questions you need to be able to answer are:

1. How will stem cell research benefit humanity?

2. What is necessary for stem cell research to be able to take place?

3. What would you hope to achieve from human pluripotent stem cell research?"
Role of the Ethicist

You investigate the ethical implications involved in using technology and medicine for the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC). Your job is to look at all sides of the stem cell research issues. Some questions you need to be able to answer are:

1. What are the ethical issues which surround this research?

2. Who are the groups who will have ethical objections to make against this research?

3. What are these objections?

Verse speaker ... Barack Obama in political mode. Photograph: Kevin Wolf/AP
Role of the Politician

You are a leader on the Health and Human Services Committee. This department oversees federal spending on medical research. The NIH has applied for 250 millions dollars to be used for stem cell research. Many of the voters in your district have communicated that they want this research funded for personal reasons such as family health problems that might be helped by this. On the other hand other voters have written to you about not funding this research because of religious and moral concerns. You need to be able to respond to these voters intelligently about these issues. Also you have been asked to work with the scientist and ethicist to make recommendations. Some questions you need to be able to answer are:

1. Why are some voters for stem cell research and some are against it?

2. What role does the government play in this issue?